
Arguments for Euthanasia is a great site that highlights all of the benefits and relief that can be brought to by legalizing euthanasia.

The Final Exit Network is an organization based out of New Jersey that is fighting for the support of euthanasia. Their commitment is that they "will hasten the deaths of those who are terminally ill with 6 or less months left to live".

The New Dr. Death is an article in The Daily Beast that discusses a man who has taken it upon himself to follow the ways of Dr. Jack Kevorkian and has decided to take matters into his own hand by helping assist terminally ill patients in their own painless suicides.

Pros and Cons are discussed in an insightful manner in this page showing many different situations that may arise and can be debated upon. provides several personal stories of people who are terminally ill and wish to end their sufferings. It gives great insight towards people from past and present.

NNDB provides an insightful article into the widely publicized case of Terri Schiavo, a Florida woman who found herself in a vegetative state and was essentially kept alive through machines, but later through a very controversial court case, her feeding tube was removed and she passed away. This specific case is often correlated with Euthanasia due to what seemed to be a cruel and suffering ending to her life. is a great website with an incredible amount of questions and insight into many different aspects on the topic of euthanasia. It also gathers a great deal of statistics from polls and surveys.

BBC is an English website which gives many arguments that support euthanasia here. It gives many different angles such as from a legal standpoint, a moral standpoint, as well as philosophical.

Biography wrote a story on the late Dr. Jack Kevorkian describing his life and beliefs as well as his uprising towards becoming the face of the argument of Euthanasia. He fought strongly for what he believed in and challenged the United States government time and time again to fight for his beliefs. is a blog that consistently updates many different cases and situations in which euthanasia can be challenged or is being challenged and is a great source of updates in the controversial topic.

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